

Morning Routines

I started Flying again this morning! I got out my Homemanagers folder and did nearly all the tasks required - I had especially put off but enjoyed cleaning the mirror, sink and toilet in the ensuite bathroom. It was only when I cleaned it that I realised how dirty it actually was!
One of the biggest challenges for me at the moment is the fact that I am trying to establish one set of routines, but in 4 months time I am going to have to change that routine. Obviously it is better that I establish a routine now, but I am also needing to plan ahead for the baby, which is a huge daylong routine, broken up into segments by breastfeeding. For the first 6 weeks my husband will be home, so there will also be a change of routine with him at home, and then going back to work.
It is funny how getting back into doing routines and chores actually motivates me to do more than I originally planned - it is great and makes me feel more in control and less overwhelmed!


Purchases For Baby

Yesterday I purchased 5 new Organic Cotton Singlets from Target. They were 20% off so I made a saving. After doing some investigating I think I will return one or two of the singlets, even though I have read that it is easier to have more than you need. I would rather buy some extra things that I need after the baby is born because then I won't be wasting resources. The baby will grow out of this size (000) approximately by 3-4 months, so I have read and I would rather not get too many things for the baby.