

Australian Culture

As a nation we are changing. Culturally we are losing an identity and creating another. "Australian" no longer means a Hills Hoist and a BBQ. It means McD0nalds, shopping centres and BMWs.

I am a big fan of holding onto our past culture. I feel that if we completely let go of ourselves, our wildlife and heritage, then we lose who we are. But who we really are, is who we are now, not who we were then. But sometimes then is better. I think we were gentler then. We lived in community. We had faith, beliefs and convictions, not discount dockets and catalogues. There is nothing wrong with making purchases and investing - we can make ethical purchases and invest ethically. We can move slower again, talk to people again - treat others as if their life story is something to be respected, valued and protected, not something to fill in the time while you wait for a return SMS. We can look people in the eye and respect them. We can grow up again and be adults. Our future is a nation of adolescents who turn 25 but never mature. What is their identity? Where do they learn it? Oh, Lord, I pray for Isaac, I really do. Define him Lord, give him something secure to hold onto. Forgive us for all the stuff that clutters our lives and hearts. It's getting hotter and we need to adapt as our world changes. But we can still cherish and nourish the little seeds of love and community that are growing in our hearts. They just need to be watered with a healthy culture, a culture of love, acceptance, patience and slowness. Give us the guts to become a nation with identity Lord - remind us that we are not capitalism. Remind us that we are not a brand. Remind us that we are not bank accounts, or cars, or houses. We are living and breathing. We are the earth, the sky, the wind, the scent of flowers, the warmth of sun on our skin and sweat on our feet. We are breathing and living - open our eyes from blindness, Lord, we have forgotten who we are. We are not inanimate. We are community. We can heal.

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