


Oh the woe!
Why is it so?
A lonely man once said,
One hundred 'round
Their voices sound
But not one in my head.

Copyright Aurian 2005

Notes: This poem was expressed during the group therapy that I didn't complete with GATS. At this point in my life I would say that I was extremely confused and lonely. I had gotten married but that didn't make me feel any better. I can look back and see that I was severely depressed, but I didn't even know what depression was. I can see that because of my severely dysfunctional family I had not separated from this dysfunction and found out who I really was. It is only recently that I have begun to get to know myself again, and love myself, and know that I am just right the way I am. I know that by being myself I am OK (even though it definitely causes friction in my family!)

I highly recommend GATS. It is not a Christian organization, but it is very good at what it does. Many famous people (including a member of my group!) have been through its doors for psychotherapy related to addictions, co-dependency and depression. The group therapy is fantastic, and you will meet some very real people - drug addicts, gamblers, prostitutes and the like. Many of the people in the group have trouble recovering because family members keep enabling their behaviour - lending them money to buy drugs, pay debts and gamble. I really admire the work they do, even though I wasn't in the right place to receive it at the time.

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