

Remember Me

I say to God: What about all those things that need to be done?

The washing pile
The ironing too
Vacuuming and
Cleaning the loo

He says:

Make my heart your home
Let go of yours
I've got better things
Than mundane chores

In store for you
My precious child
Come to me
And sit a while

I'll send you out
To work for me
Even though
Your wage is free

Do my work
It's not a chore
I'll fill you up
To crave for more

Then simple things
Will bring you bliss
Those mundane jobs
You'll never miss

Because you'll love
To serve your kiing
Even if it's

So give your all
Your hands and feet
Your eyes and lips
Body complete

Receive the gift
I give for free
So you can say
'Remember me'.

Copyright Aurian 2004

Notes: The last line is referencing Luke 23:42. I do not like this style of poetry at all. It has a very simplistic rhythm and message - there is no layering of themes or depth. However, I've included it on my journey to publish all my poems, though it may be one of the first to be scrapped when a larger compendium of better poetry as been collated.

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