


1. I resolve to let go of the things in my life that are of little value, and that weigh me down. Instead I will focus my time, resources and gifts on those activities, people and things that I treasure most.

2. Each of my valued belongings to have a home that works.

3. Organized phone and contact systems for the people that matter most.

4. Money for things that matter most to us, for our gifts, safety, enjoyment, ethics and Isaac.

5. To instantly sort anything that comes into our home, or to not allow things that devalue us into our home at all eg junk mail.

6. Value myself, value my time. Realize that my time is precious. I can use it to really relax, and then to do things that I really value.

7. I am creating balance in my life. I have many aspects to my life that I need, and that I value.

  • to have a special place of my own to be alone and create
  • to feel relaxed and comfortable in my own home
  • fun activities and sexual time with my husband
  • quality time as a family
  • care and love for my son
  • letting my hair down with dear friends
  • resources to enable me to look and feel good about myself
  • a place to verbally express my difficulties and problems
  • safe and mature worship environment
  • time to talk with God and study his word
  • support network of reliable family and friends
8. To quit multitasking, and live in the moment. To allow myself to enjoy and savour individual pleasures, tasks and experiences. To say yes to slow, and no to rushing. To get there early, and just enjoy the beauty before me as I wait.

9. To be grateful. Today I experienced the love of extended family, and the luxury and blessings of our middle class culture. I thank God for these things.

10. To volunteer in a passion. To let my talents be used t really make someone feel good.

11. To sign up for that course that I have been meaning to do for months! Just call and do it!

12. To keep doing the things that helped me get over the hardest year of my life.  See 7.

Just to love me.

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