


Today has been an OK day for me. I stayed in bed until 11am, while my husband took the day off work and looked after Isaac. It was very good for me to have that rest, and to allow myself to have it. I thank God that he has given me such a loving husband who tries his best for us. At this point I feel overwhelmed with managing my depression and looking after my son at the same time. As he gets older he will be more self-sufficient - he will be able to feed himself and go to the toilet. But that is years away.

I know that I need some time daily rest and daydream. At present, it is my trip to Melbourne that is making me feel ill. I keep telling myself that it is only another month and half to get through before it is over, but that is a long time, and I am afraid I will feel worse. My main concern is that I will forget something or fail someone, and then they will think "she really doesn't have it all together". I can just take each minute and hour at a time, and then that will be a good place to begin.

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